Saturday, September 22, 2012

Double extra credit: The Master

In the master Freddie is a navel veteran who has come back from the war and the navy with war trauma. He relies on alcohol or mixed chemicals to get through the day with crazy erratic behavior. He lands himself on a boat of Lancaster Dodd or otherwise known as the master. The master runs a thing called the Couse, he pretends to cure people and heal them by hypnosis. Where they believe they can recall past lives. Freddie and the master work together to gather people and travel to new places to teach their cause to people dumb enough to believe anything they say. After only a few scenes I believed them both to be mentally ill, maybe that’s why they were drawn together to be friends. Freddie clearly is not in his right mind after the war even finding comfort in a 16 year old girl should let everyone watching know he is not in his right mind. Then Lancaster Dodd is so clearly spitting lies and making everything up as he goes is either madness or genius because he had a large following of fools hanging on every word. There where scenes when the master would be talking to everyone preaching what he wants them to believe and the next scene all the woman are naked, I believe this was powerful representation of what a cult following would do for their leader, he could talk them into anything even stripping naked and dancing around like fools. I think that’s exactly what the Couse was a cult, based on scientology.  The Couse and scientology have the same beliefs, multiple lives, counseling that’s based on reliving painful memories so you can free yourself, and having to buy things like books or tapes to excel in the religion or cult. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

6. Monsanto madness

After watching the world according to Monsanto, I was floored. I had no idea things like this where going on with our food today. I knew that some farmers used pesticides to kill the weeds around their plants and that may have gotten near the plants we eat, But I had no idea they were being directly used on the food we eat every day. I was disgusted to watch the video and find out that the most popular brand of pest decides was Monsanto’s brand one of the most harmful brands we know of today. This company that uses Chemicals created oils used as a coolants and lubricants for electrical power transfers is one of the links to many deceases the worst being cancer. Products like dioxin are known cancer causers and can Couse many birth defects.  Why are products like this being allowed to be anywhere near our food, How can they get away with this why is no one banning there products. I was shocked to know Canada was the only place to started to ban there products after Monsanto got caught trying to bribe the FDA.  In my Opinion Monsanto’s company should be shut down immediately.  We should have all pesticide companies tested and use the company that has kept us stay healthy without putting us in danger, but in order for things to change people have to be informed about Monsanto and his company and make a change about what kind of food they put in their mouth. I myself had no idea what was going on. I had not even heard of Monsanto before watching this video. This needs to be common knowledge for all people. We should all stand together and ban any food touched by Monsanto products till they are shut down completely.